Proin a aliquam. Donex lacinia nulla ut convallis.
Nullam dignissim nec turpis et tempor. In congue congue risus, eu dictum sapien. Aenean ligula velit, pellentesque et tellus non, varius porta augue. Proin mattis nisi in iaculis maximus. Nam eu urna imperdiet, elementum mi sit amet, ultrices metus.

WordPress Development
Stephanie Hawkes
The personal blog of a friend and former coworker. Built on top of the WordPress theme "Activello" by Silkalns. Design © Stephanie Hawkes.

Website Development
The illustration and design portfolio of a friend. Developed with HTML & LESS. Design © Kamidoodles.

Landing Page Design
COX Cable
A landing page designed as a sampling during the hiring process for a local marketing agency.

Website Design & Development
Designed utilizing existing branding guidelines, and developed with HTML, LESS, and some PHP.

Website Design & Development
My personal portfolio from 2014 – 2016. An early experiment with the "flat design" trend, single-page layouts, animations, and responsiveness. Built using static HTML and CSS, and some custom jQuery.

WordPress Design & Development
Make Me Grin
An original logo design, brand identity, and e-commerce website design for an online printables shop. Built as a custom WordPress theme with WooCommerce integration.

Website Development
A website and e-commerce shop built on top of existing CRM software using static HTML and CSS. This project expanded to include a Tumblr blog and custom online learning platform.

Website Design
An earlier version of my 2014 – 2016 personal portfolio in which I first experimented with full-width page sections and designing my own textures.

Website Design & Development
My personal portfolio from 2010 – 2013. Built using static HTML and CSS, light PHP, and premade jQuery plugins. Very simple and very purple.
Cupcake jelly sesame snaps. Chocolate cake biscuit croissant bear claw candy. Pie wafer gummi bears cotton candy caramels candy canes liquorice gummies jujubes.
Brownie candy canes bear claw tootsie roll. Oat cake oat cake chocolate bar cheesecake marzipan.